Monday, November 5, 2012

Impulse Lab

Big Question: What is the relationship between impulse, force, and time during a collision?

In this lab we learned about impulse, which is a change in momentum for objects in a collision. It is important to know that J stands for impulse(not jules) and that objects in a collision experience equal and opposite impulse because momentum is conserved.The formula for impulse is J= Pafter-Pbefore

The computer that we used to calculate velocity gave us a force time graph. From this data we were able to understand that the relationship between impulse, force, and time is J=F x t. The relationship is inversely proportional so if the force goes up the time will go down and ect. but the J value remains the same. 

Real world connection: Airbags are a good connection to what we are learning in class. It slows down the time it takes to make an impact, so the more time it takes the less force you will feel ( because force and time are inversely proportional). 

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