Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mass vs. Force Lab

The main purpose of this lab was to learn about the relationship between mass(kg) and force(N). We discovered how to measure force in a reliable and repeatable way by finding the formula for gravity. We also had the chance to practice making tables and graphs with the data we collected. Finally, we learned how to read the graph and tell what a best fit line looks like. 


  • Brass weights ranging from 20kg-1000kg(masses)
  • Spring gauge(to calculate force)

During the lab: While measuring the different weights, we realized that the force was directly proportional to mass. 1kg is 10N, .5kg is 5N, .2kg is 2N, and ect. 

Key Ideas:

  • 10N of force are needed to support 1kg of mass
  • F=gm
  • F stands for force of gravity
  • g stands for earths gravitation constant(10N/kg)
  • m is the independent variable
  • g is the slope
  • the best fit line is the pattern or theory
  • weight is different than mass

Real World Connection:
The law of gravity is:what goes up must come down.The mass of the roller-coaster itself directly effects the force and as it gains height because the higher it goes up, the faster it will come down. 

Here is a link to a video on the science behind a roller-coaster:


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