Monday, September 10, 2012

Simple Machines: Pulleys

Big Question:
"How can force be manipulated using a simple machine?" 
"What pattern do you observe regarding the relationship between force and distance 
in a simple machine? "

Purpose: To find the relationship between force and distance

Lab: In class we built two pulleys. There was one with just one wheel but the other had two. We attached weights to the pulleys to see how the force could be manipulated. The two wheeled pulley contraption could lift a weight with another one of half its mass. We learned that this could occur if there was less force and more distance. The relationship between force and distance is that F and d are inversely proportional. A greater applied force requires less distance while a lower applied force requires more distance.

(Standard 3.5) We built a simple machine and performed a quantitative analysis of its performance based in the notions of work and energy conservation by filling in a data table with our findings.

Real World: In real life we use pulleys in our everyday lives. One example is in gyms many people use pulley devices to get in shape. Heres a video of a pulley in action:

1 comment:

  1. Good job, though notice that the pulleys in the video are always single pulleys, so they never exploit the relationship between force and distance. That's because in exercising and weightlifting, the whole point is to not reduce the force.
